SAP Basis Copies Transport - SAP Basis

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Copies Transport
Collaboration and management of (sub-)projects in the SAP Basis environment, if necessary also cross-departmentally
If your system is already above SAP NetWeaver Release 7.0, then you must either import SAP Note 1731549 or a corresponding Support Package. Afterwards, when creating new users, it is no longer possible to assign user names that are only composed of variants of spaces or other invisible special characters. Important: Changes to already existing users with these names or their deletion option are not affected by this! The SAP Note also adds the customizing switch BNAME_RESTRICT, whereupon you can control yourself whether alternative spaces are allowed to appear in certain places in the user name. For this, the following values must be set in the customizing table PRGN_CUST: NO = The alternative spaces are still allowed in the user name. ALL = The character set is reduced to a defined range, excluding certain special characters because they have specific meanings in certain operating systems or databases. This predefined character set is: ABCDEFGHIJKLNMOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789,;-§&()={[]}+#. FME = The letters F, M and E stand for Front, Middle and End. With an 'X' in this three-digit switch value you can now explicitly specify at which position in the user name no wide spaces and control characters may occur. All combinations are possible, e.g.: XME = None of these special characters may occur at the BEGINNING of the user name. XMX = In the user name none of these special characters may occur at the BEGINNING and at the END. FME = One of these special characters may occur at any position in the user name (this corresponds to the default setting, i.e. as if no entry was maintained in PRGN_CUST for the switch). SAP recommends the use of the value ALL.

SAP Basis Operation manages the IT underlying the SAP system. In addition, the operation ensures the maintenance and availability of business processes. Various tools can be used for this purpose, which take over the maintenance, care, configuration and monitoring of the SAP system. Basic operation is the prerequisite for ensuring that the SAP system is fully operational and covers the business processes well.
A secure SAP system does not only include a good role concept. It is also necessary to check whether a user should (still) have a specific role. Regular verification of role assignment is called recertification. In this blog post, I'd like to introduce you to the need for recertifications and our own tool, EasyReCert. The need for recertification - scenarios: Example 1: The "apprentice problem" Imagine the following scenario: A new employee (e.g. apprenticeship or trainee) will go through various departments as part of his or her training and will work on various projects. Of course, an SAP User will be made available to your employee right at the beginning, which is equipped with appropriate roles. As each project and department passes, the employee repeatedly needs new permissions to meet the requirements. After the employee has successfully completed his or her induction and is now in a permanent position, he or she still has permissions that are not necessary to perform his or her duties. This violates the principle of "last privilede" and represents a potential security risk for your company. Example 2: The change of department The change of department is one scenario that probably occurs in every company. If a change of department does not automatically involve a complete reallocation of roles and the employee simply takes his old permissions with him, critical combinations of permissions can occur very quickly. For example, an employee who has permissions in accounts payable and accounts receivable violates the SoD ("Segregation of Duties") principle and poses a potential security risk to your company. Recertification as part of a revision: The two examples above show that a regular review of role allocation identifies potential security risks for your business and can be addressed.

Together with our SAP development team, our SAP Basis experts develop programs and transaction processes using Web Dynpro technology. This includes, for example, our SAP AddOn "SAP Password Reset". We would be happy to develop your solution.

With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.

After one activation of the BW content and some standard jobs, you select one or more systems for which you want to activate UPL.

Daily maintenance: Basis administrators review logs, troubleshoot, and ensure your system is functioning properly.
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