Support Packages from the SAPNet - Load Web Frontend or Collection CDs
If you now want to change the permission data, you will be asked for values for the appropriate organisation levels. First enter a tilde (~) and define the value later in the derived roles. Maintain the permissions you want and then generate the master role. Adding the organisational level to the master role Step 2: Define derived roles Create derived roles Assign the master role After you have created the master role, it is the derived roles that are in the process. To do this, re-enter a suitable role name via the PFCG. In our example, it is called "findepartment_d01". For a better overview, it is usually useful to name and number the derivatives after the master roles. You can also define the roles according to a different scheme. After you have created the role, you must then enter the master role in the Derive from Role field in the Description tab. Confirm the Auto Enquiries. Customise the Organisation Levels Now go to the "Menu" tab. There you can see that the data from the master role was automatically copied. Since the role has not yet been generated, the Permissions tab is currently highlighted in red. Therefore, call "Change Permissions Data". The first call should automatically open a dialogue to maintain the organisational levels, as they are still empty. If this is not the case, or if you would like to adjust the organisational levels again in a later case, you can also access them via the button Ordende (see screenshot). If everything worked well, you can now see that the permissions were also automatically taken from the master role. If you generate the role, the permission tab will also appear green. Congratulations, you have successfully created a derived role! Repeat step 2 with the additional derivatives to adjust the organisation levels accordingly.
A trick often used by administrators is to allow for time buffers before starting the next job. The buffer times are necessary because it is not possible to predict exactly how long a job will take to complete, since the duration depends on many incalculable parameters. Since it makes little sense to run backups and SAP jobs at the same time, these tasks are usually done one after the other rather than in parallel. In more complex environments, data backup durations, time buffers and job runtimes add up to such an extent that the time available is no longer sufficient to perform all activities within the available time corridor. Tools that work with status dependencies and then automatically start the next job when its predecessor job has been processed without errors can help here.
SM35 Batch input: session overview
SPAM/SAINT updates (SPAM update) provide updates and improvements to SAP Patch Manager and SAP Add-On Installation Tool. There is always one SPAM update per review that will be updated over time. The version can be found in the short description, e.g.: SPAM/SAINT update - version 4.6A/0001 A SPAM update always comes first in the list of support packages in the SAPNet - R/3 frontend, i.e. before the other support packages. We recommend that you always install the latest version of a SPAM update before installing Support Packages. Prerequisites You can successfully commit a SPAM update only if there are no broken support packages in the system. If there are cancelled support packages, a dialogue box will alert you. You have two options: You will first complete the queue and then the SPAM update. You reset the status of the queue, play the SPAM update first and then the queue. You can reset the status of the Queue by using the Add Status Reset Queue. Note that your system is inconsistent when you reset the queue after objects have already been imported (for example, after an error in the DDIC_IMPORT step and following). Therefore, you should only reset the queue if DDIC_IMPORT was cancelled before the step. For more information, see Steps of the SPAM [page 26]. Note that starting with SPAM/SAINT version 11, it is no longer possible to reset the queue after the DDIC_IMPORT step and following. How to Check if the SPAM update you are offering is newer than the one you are receiving. The current SPAM version appears in the title bar of the SPAM window. To play the latest SPAM update, select Support Package Insert SPAMUpdate. SPAM updates are automatically confirmed after successful insertion. Load Support Package Usage Before you can insert Support Packages, you must first load the appropriate Support Packages.
For example, many customer ABAP programs work by uploading or downloading data. There are potentially large security gaps here that allow access to server data. In addition, the widespread direct invocation of operating system commands that are not covered by a self-programmed authorization check is a major problem. Even though classic SQL injection, i.e., the entry of extended SQL commands, is a potential security vulnerability, it occurs rather rarely in SAP systems. More widespread is the unintentional dynamization of SQL calls because input parameters are not sufficiently checked. The need to check all in-house developments internally for such security vulnerabilities before they are delivered in SAP's own code has led to the development of the SAP Code Vulnerability Analyzer tool.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes many tasks in the area of the SAP basis much easier.
Examples of how to standardise procedures are listed here: ・ Naming of system instances and logical hosts, or at least one central registry in a directory service, or LVM or SAP customer portal ・ Centrally starting and stopping systems, such as via the LVM ・ Categorising SAP instances by T-shirt size to define profile standards and cost them.
Note that your system is inconsistent when you delete the queue after objects have been imported (for example, after an error in the DDIC_IMPORT step and following).