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Every SAP Basis system must be controlled and managed by an administrator. The person responsible ensures smooth operation of the system. This can be an internal administrator, or can be handed over to external service providers.
Support Packages from SAPNet - Web Frontend or Collection CDs are available in a compressed format. Note that you must unpack the support packages before processing. Download the support packages from the SAPNet - Web Frontend or mount the appropriate CD. Log in with the following user: Operating system users UNIX adm AS/400 OFR Windows NT adm Go to the following subdirectory in your system: Operating system UNIX and AS/400 usr/sap/trans/tmp Windows NT :\usr\sap\TRANS\TMP Unzip the archive containing the support packages with the following command: Operating system command UNIX CAR -xvf ///_CAR AS/400 CAR '-xvf /QOPT///_CAR' Windows NT CAR -xvf :\\ CHIVE>.CAR Put the unpacked support packages in the EPS inbox of your transport directory: Operating system EPS-Inbox of the transport directory UNIX /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in AS/400 /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in Windows NT :\usr\sap\trans\EPS\in Now bring the support packages into your system with Support Package Upload. You will see a list of uploaded support packages that are now known with all their attributes in the SAP system and can be handled in the right way by the SAP Patch Manager. Select Back to return to the SPAM entry screen.
Determine bottlenecks
The establishment of Software-Defined Data Centres or IaaS are the key to further flexibility and standardisation of SAP technology infrastructure. The concept of a Software-Defined Data Centre is to create an abstraction layer over the individual virtualised components, such as servers, networks or storage, that controls, controls, provisioning, and automates the entire infrastructure.
Once the UPL is activated, you can access the usage data as follows: Solution Manager: BW Query 0SM_CCL_UPL_MONTH (other predefined Querys available) Managed System: Report /SDF/SHOW_UPL Based on the UPL's data collection, you can now use additional functionalities of the CCLM to depick, for example, proprietary developments that are unused for a long time. Do you know the UPL of SAP and already use it to gain more information about its existing system landscape?
Use "Shortcut for SAP Systems" to accomplish many tasks in the SAP basis more easily and quickly.
Once the match is complete, developers must share the tasks and inform you.
For the design of the respective areas of the marketing mix, it is recommended to use a guide to develop a marketing concept.