Customising User and Permissions Management
ICS for business processes in SAP systems
In order to provide user authorisation support, you often need their information. However, there is also the possibility to view missing permissions centrally for all users. If a user has a permission issue, a ticket is usually displayed at support. However, it is difficult for a support worker to understand permissions errors because they have different permissions and are often missing detailed information about the application where the permission error occurred. In practice, therefore, support staff often help themselves by asking the user to send a screenshot of the transaction SU53. Because this transaction shows the last failed permission check. In many cases, however, the information displayed there is not helpful to the permission administrator. You may have seen that a screenshot from the SU53 transaction shows a missing permission for typical base authorization objects, such as S_ADMI_FCD, S_CTS_ADMI, or S_TRANSLAT, but you know that your check has nothing to do with the actual permissions problem in the application. So you need the opportunity to see for yourself.
A new transaction has been added to evaluate the system trace only for permission checks, which you can call STAUTHTRACE using the transaction and insert via the respective support package named in SAP Note 1603756. This is a short-term trace that can only be used as a permission trace on the current application server and clients. In the basic functions, it is identical to the system trace in transaction ST01; Unlike the system trace, however, only permission checks can be recorded and evaluated here.
Transactional and Native or Analytical Tiles in the FIORI Environment
Historically grown authorization structures can be found especially in system landscapes that have been in operation for a long time. Instead of small, modular, job-specific roles, existing roles are continually expanded and assigned to different employees in different departments. While this leads to less administrative work in the short term, it causes the complexity of the role to increase massively over time. As a result, the efficiency of authorization development is increasingly lost.
Look closely at the security advisory so that you can identify the affected programmes or functions and schedule appropriate application tests. Use a test implementation in the SNOTE transaction to identify additional SAP hints that are required for a security advisory and may also contain functional changes.
With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you can automate the assignment of roles after a go-live.
When creating a new user, the default user group will be used as pre-occupancy; this user group can be overridden by setting another user group in the S_USER_GRP_DEFAULT user parameter for each user administrator.
The second line with PATH = /tmp allows read and write access for all files starting with /tmp, similar to a permission value /tmp*, as an exception to the access ban defined in the first line for all files and paths.