Extend permission checks for documents in FI
SAP systems: Control user authorizations with a concept
The S_START boot authorisation check is delivered inactively by SAP. If this test is activated in an AS-ABAP installation (see also SAP Note 1413011), this will affect all clients. Therefore, before you activate, it must be ensured that all affected users in the permission profiles associated with them have the necessary values in the S_START permission fields.
We now want to describe the necessary settings in the sending application using the example of encrypted sending of initial passwords. To implement this requirement, you can use the BAdI BADI_IDENTITY_UPDATE. This BAdI is also only available via a support package starting from SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.31. For details on the relevant support packages, see SAP Note 1750161. To implement the BAdIs, use the transaction SE18; there you can also see the example class CL_EXM_IM_IDENTITY_UPDATE. For the BAdI BADI_ IDENTITY_UPDATE, you must implement the SAVE method to the IF_BADI_IDENTITY_UPDATE interface.
Full verification of user group permissions when creating the user
Are you using the result and market segment statements and need permission checks for combinations of characteristics and key figures not included in the standard? To do this, create specific authorization objects. You can define key figures and result objects (groups of characteristics) for the planning and information system in the result and market segment calculation (CO-PA). You may also want to control permissions by using these characteristics or key numbers. This cannot be reflected with the default authorization objects. Therefore, create authorization objects in the customising of the result invoice.
The authorisation concept in SAP ERP does not normally allow to limit permissions to individual financial years. However, this is particularly relevant for tax audits. As of 1 January 2002, the electronic tax audit was enshrined in law in § 147 (6) of the German Tax Code. The opinion of the Finance Administration is in the BMF letter of 16.07.2001 (BStBl. 2001 I)"Principles on data access and the verifiability of digital documents"(GDPdU). The electronic control check can be performed in Germany on three types of access: Immediate access: The tax authority shall have the right to inspect the stored data (read-only access) and to use the taxpayer's hardware and software to verify the data, including the master data and links. Mean Access: The tax authority may require the taxable person to perform the read-only processing of the data in accordance with its specifications. Volume Release: Alternatively, the tax administration may require the taxable person to have the stored documents available to it for evaluation on a machine-usable medium.
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
The complete roll data is stored and processed in Excel.
Applications based on SAP products offer users different access methods, of which the use of SAP GUI with application-related SAP transactions is to be called "classic".