SAP Authorizations Restrict Application Server Login - SAP Basis

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Restrict Application Server Login
Lack of know-how
However, the authorization trace is not active by default, but must be explicitly activated via the profile parameter "auth/authorization_trace". In transaction RZ11 you can easily and quickly check if the parameter is already set. The profile parameter is set in transaction RZ10. By default, the profile parameter is active in SAP systems (profile parameter transport/systemtype = SAP) and inactive in customer systems (profile parameter transport/systemtype = CUSTOMER).

You can use the BAdI SMIME_EMAIL of the SMIME extension spot and implement the CERTIFICATE_RETRIEVAL and CERTIFICATE_SELECTION methods according to your requirements. This BAdI is called whenever an encrypted e-mail is sent. An extension allows you to search for a valid certificate at run time (for example, the one with the longest validity) to the recipient's email address in a source you defined. In the default implementation, the BAdI searches for the certificate in the Trust Manager's address book. For details on the availability of BAdIs, see SAP Note 1835509.
Rebuilding the authorization concept
The assignment of roles does not include any special features. Therefore, we only deal with the topics of time-space delimitation and logging. Time-space validation is implemented as an additional filter that runs after the usual permission checks. This additional filter logic works as follows: The first step is to check whether the user is entered in the tax verifier table (Table TPCUSERN, Configuration with the transaction TPC2). Only then will the further tests be carried out. If not, no additional checks will be carried out. The programme is then checked to see if it is included in the table of allowed programmes (table TPCPROG, configuration with the transaction TPC4). If the check is negative, the system cancels with a permission error. The time-space check is performed against the valid intervals in the table TPCDATA (configuration with the transaction TPC6). The time-space check works in context: In addition to the supporting documents of the audit period, older supporting documents are also included if they are still relevant for the audit period, such as open items that were booked in previous years but only settled in the audit period. Records that do not fall into the valid period according to the logic described above are filtered out.

The IF_IDENTITY interface of the CL_IDENTITY class provides various methods for maintaining the fields of the user master record. As a template for the implementation of the BAdIs, you can use the CL_EXM_IM_IDENTITY_SU01_CREATE implementation example, which automatically populates the SU01 transaction's surname, space number, phone, email address, user group, billing number, and cost centre fields. This example implementation does not provide an external data source; the user name is set as the last name and fixed values are used for the other fields. At this point, you must complete the implementation, depending on your requirements. There are several possible data sources for the user master data that you can access from the BAdI.

Secure your go-live additionally with "Shortcut for SAP systems". You can assign necessary SAP authorizations quickly and easily directly in the system.

To maintain open permission fields in roles, you need information from the Permissions System Trace.

We therefore recommend that you schedule a background job on the PFUD transaction, which performs a regular user comparison (see Trick 17, "Schedule PFUD transaction on a regular basis").
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