SAP Authorizations User master data - SAP Basis

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User master data
How to analyze roles and authorizations in the SAP system
You can also monitor security alerts from the Security Audit Log via the Alert Monitoring of your Computing Centre Management System (CCMS). The security warnings generated correspond to the audit classes of the events defined in the Security Audit Log. Many companies also have the requirement to present the events of the Security Audit Log in other applications. This requires evaluation by external programmes, which can be done via the XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) BAPIs. You must follow the XMI interface documentation to configure it. You can also use the RSAU_READ_AUDITLOG_ EXTERNAL sample programme as a template. A description of this programme can be found in SAP Note 539404.

The SAP authorization default values are the basis for role creation and are also the starting point for SAP authorization management. For this purpose, the SU22 SAP authorization default values must be transported via SU25 into the customer-specific SU24 tables. The consistency of the default values should therefore be checked beforehand using the SU2X_CHECK_CONSISTENCY report. If inconsistencies exist, they can be corrected using the report SU24_AUTO_REPAIR. Detailed information regarding the procedure can be found in SAP Note 1539556. In this way, you can not only clean up your SU24 values, but at the same time achieve a high-performance starting position for role and authorization administration.
Implementing the authorization concept in the FIORI interface
Even more critical is the assignment of the comprehensive SAP® standard profile SAP_ALL, which contains almost all rights in the system. Therefore, it should be assigned to a so-called emergency user at most. The handling of the emergency user should also be specified in the authorization concept, which should be documented in writing. In any case, the activities of the emergency user should be logged and checked regularly. Therefore, it is essential in preparation for the annual audit to check the current, as well as the historical, assignments of SAP_ALL. It is therefore not sufficient to simply quickly remove the SAP_ALL profile from users in the run-up to the annual audit. It must also be proven that the SAP_ALL profile was not briefly assigned for a few days over the audit period. If SAP_ALL assignments did occur, ideally these have already been documented and checked. If this is not the case, it is essential to create documentation that cannot be changed, in which it is proven why the assignment was necessary and that the user has not carried out any critical actions beyond this (filing and review of logging).

For the transport of PFCG roles with their profiles there is also an SAP notice: Note 1380203. If you enter the correction, it is possible to use separate positions for the third and fourth digits of the generated profile name for the definition. In the SAP standard, the name of a generated profile is composed as follows, for example, if the System ID is ADG: T-AG#####. If your other source systems differ only in the second place of the system ID, the profile name does not indicate from which system the profiles originate.

During go-live, the assignment of necessary authorizations is particularly time-critical. The "Shortcut for SAP systems" application provides functions for this purpose, so that the go-live does not get bogged down because of missing authorizations.

Therefore, this function requires a high degree of understanding for the adjustments that are running in the background and is therefore only available as a pilot note.

This also includes the control of the cost types and the cost rates that are incurred and posted in the company.
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