Consideration of additional QA clients
Job logic instead of customizing
What is the purpose of copying a complete SAP system? - Well, there are several reasons. Test and development system: After a new productive system has been set up, at least one identical development system or even one test system is still needed. To avoid having to repeat the customizing (settings and configurations of the SAP modules and business processes) on these systems, it makes sense to make a copy. This is clearly the faster way to achieve the goal!
For a long time, manual procedures dominated, supported by SAP (guidelines), in particular by predefined procedures and a large number of checklists. In many places, this was supplemented by scripts created in-house, which, however, only automated partial tasks/processes of an SAP system copy.
Planning Guide for the Connector for SAP Landscape Management
Renaming and restoring the target system database - adjusting file system permissions. Renaming, recovery and startup of the target system database.
Such system copies, with their enormous manual effort and SAP checklists that are often hundreds of items long, must be performed before every refresh. Usually, three to four days have to be planned for this, during which the QA system - which in two-tier SAP environments is also the development system - is not available for the actual work. The delay is actually only caused by the meticulous matching of trivial things, such as directory names. Because such SAP system copies have to be created for each SAP application on the QA system and can thus quickly require dozens of system copies, they tie up a lot of resources and staff.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems", tasks in the area of SAP system copy are simplified and made possible.
After the above requirements are met, the target SAP and database instances can be shut down to create the technical system copy for the upgrade.
The test data software always ensures that tests are carried out particularly thoroughly.